Here at the Talentify blog, we like to talk about recruiting and technology surrounding it, but it seems that the COVID-19 crisis has upended everything we know about work, hiring, and staffing. While workers from some industries are struggling to deal with sudden, unexpected layoffs, others are feeling overwhelmed by an unprecedented need for their services combined with a staffing framework that isn’t prepared for this level of demand.
It’s with this in mind that we are offering every hospital and clinic in the United States free access to our candidate attraction platform in order to help them increase the number of qualified candidates who can help to fill the desperate need that this virus has left our healthcare system with. There is no catch and no need for a credit card or other payment method. Simply follow this link and create an account, then we can get you up and running within a day.
Talentify is a recruitment marketing platform that uses organic sources in conjunction with machine learning in order to find applicants, streamline the process so more people complete your online applications, and allow the best people to find, apply, & remain engaged during your recruitment process.
There is no change management required, so you don’t need to train people in a new system during a crisis. Our team is ready to help every new account get up and running. Talentify is fully automated, so there is no need to spend time using it or even logging into the back end of the system once you get it going. Candidates finding your jobs through the Talentify experience are nudged to help them stay in your apply process, ensuring more completed applications in your ATS - ready for your recruiters to engage.
Like so many other people in this crisis, we want to help. The outpouring of human kindness and support is inspiring and this is what we have to offer. If you work in medical recruiting or know somebody at a hospital or clinic that is struggling to find and hire the staff they need to deal with the crisis, please share this post and click this link to get your account set up. It’ll only take a few minutes and could make a difference as soon as 24 hours after activation.
Thank you for reading and sharing. Be strong, stay safe, and remember that we’ll get through this together.
The Talentify Team